Calendar Hijri
Download muslim calendar of 1441 hijrah and gregorian calendar and islamic calendar 2020 date today.
Calendar hijri. For example january 1 2020 fell into year 1441 ah in the lunar hijri calendar which corresponds to year 1398 in the solar hijri calendar. The islamic calendar is based on the hijri year. Hijrah also known as hejira or hijra means migration emigration. The islamic calendar arabic.
What is islamic date today in pakistan and what is the islamic month according to gregorian calendar in world. The former is a solar calendar so its year count differs substantially from that of the islamic lunar calendar. ٱلت ق و يم ٱل ه ج ر ي at taqwīm al hijrīy also known as the hijri lunar hijri muslim or arabic calendar is a lunar calendar consisting of 12 lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days. It is used to determine the proper days of islamic holidays and rituals such as the annual period of fasting and the proper time for the hajj.
The hijri year started when the prophet pbuh migrated from makkah to madinah. Hijri calendar provides you with a calendar showing the current hijri date updates the app s live tile and reminds you of important islamic events the live tile updates daily with the current hijri date you have the ability to adjust the hirji calculation for your location the app provides reminders for the first of muharram day before ashura ashura day after ashura begining of ramadhan. Clean and easy interface for better understanding. Find accurate yearly monthly and weekly hijri islamic calendar of the world.