Hijri Date Calendar 2020
2020 gregorian calendar for full year 2020 and this calendar is mix with hijri or arabic 1441 calendar you can print this calendar if want with full copy right close home prayer times date converter hijri calendar 2020 gregorian calendar solar calendar month names ramadan ar.
Hijri date calendar 2020. Thursday july 2 2020 dhul qadah 11 1441. 14 jumadal awwal 1441 h. The beginning of each month is contingent on the visibility of the moon at the end of the previous month. 15 jumadal awwal 1441 h.
1 jumadal akhirah 1441 h. Check the exact islamic date today as hijri date with complete month islamic calendar which is updated all the time to give the accurate islamic dates. Sunnah fasting yaumul bidh. The islamic calendar also known as the hijri calendar consists of 12 months lunar months.
Find out key dates in the 2019 islamic calendar such as ramadan 6 may eid ul fitr 4 june and eid ul adha 11 august. Today islamic date in pakistan. Sunnah fasting yaumul bidh. Once the moon is sighted the new month commences.
Sunnah fasting yaumul bidh. Hijri islamic calendar 1441. Check upcoming special islamic days dates in the gregorian calendar 2020. Each month starts with a new lunar cycle.
Find out key dates in the islamic calendar for 2020. Also known as the hijri calendar 1441 it started after the hijrah of the prophet pbuh to madina. Western date day of week hijri date. Hijri date day christian era date.
Day gregorian date hijri date wednesday july 1 2020 dhul qadah 10 1441. August 01 2020 11 dhu l hidjdja 1441 today islamic date in pakistan is 11 dhu l hidjdja 1441. Hijri islamic calendar july 2020 1441 التقويم الهجري والميلادي.